To Kill a Sultan

eBook - A Transnational History of the Attempt on Abdülhamid II (1905)

Erschienen am 07.11.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781137489326
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 4.75 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book explores an event described by theTimes as 'one of the greatest and most sensational political conspiracies of modern times'. On 21 July 1905, just after the Friday Prayer at the Yldz Hamidiye Mosque in Istanbul, a car bomb exploded and left 26 dead with another 58 wounded. Sultan Abdülhamid II, the target of the attack, remained unscathed. The Ottoman police soon discovered that Armenian revolutionaries were behind the plot and several people were arrested and convicted, among them the Belgian anarchist Edward Joris. His incarceration sparked international reaction and created a diplomatic conflict. The assassination attempt failed, the events faded from memory, and the plot became a footnote in early twentieth-century history. This book rediscovers the conspiracy as a transnational moment in late Ottoman history, opening a window on key themes in modern history, such as international law, terrorism, Orientalism, diplomacy, anarchism, imperialism, nationalism, mass media and humanitarianism. It provides an original look on the many trans- and international links between the Ottoman Empire, Europe and the rest of the world at the start of the twentieth century.



Houssine Alloulholds a PhD in history and is currently a Research Associate at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, where he is also a member of Power in History: Centre for Political History (PoHis). His doctoral dissertation investigated the relations between Belgium and the Ottoman Empire, with a special focus on the intertwining of small power diplomacy, the global expansion of Belgian capital, and interculturality. His research interests include consular history, Orientalism(s), travel literature, modern finance capitalism, and Leopoldian colonialism.

Edhem Eldemteaches history at Boaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. He concentrates on nineteenth-century Ottoman social and cultural history, with particular emphasis on westernization and relations with Europe. Following publications on funerary epigraphy, trade, banking, urban development, and Orientalism, his current research focuses on archaeology, photography, visual culture, and first-person narratives.

Henk de Smaeleteaches modern cultural history at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, where he is connected to the research unit Power in History: Centre for Political History (PoHis). His current research includes the modern history of gender and sexuality, as well as the history of relations between Europe and the Middle East.


1 INTRODUCTION: Anatomy of the Yldz Bombing: Tracing the Global in the Particular;Houssine Alloul, Edhem Eldem, and Henk de Smaele.- 2The Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Operation Nejuik;Gaïdz Minassian.- 3Edward Joris: Caught between Continents and Ideologies?;Maarten Van Ginderachter.- 4The Ottoman War on Anarchism and Revolutionary Violence;Toygun Altnta.- 5Belgium and the Hamidian Regime; Or, the Antinomies of Small State Diplomacy;Houssine Alloul.- 6Extraterritorial Prosecution, the Late Capitulations, and the New International Lawyers;Will Hanley.- 7 Covering the Ottoman Empire: Orientalism and the Mass Media;Henk de Smaele.- 8The Jorisards: PublicMobilization between Local Emotions and Universal Rights;Marnix Beyen.- 9CONCLUSIONS: Ottoman Armenian Revolutionaries and the Dilemma of Deliverance through Violence;       pek K. Yosmaoul.- 10EPILOGUE;Edhem Eldem.

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